Thursday, January 15, 2009


so there is this house, about a mile from mine, that has been on and off the market for the past two years. it is back on again and they've dropped the price considerably. i briefly considered that house, when i was looking to buy, but found mine which i just love and suits me to a tee. the other house has remained in the back of my mind, primarily because it is an Old House, with lots of character and charm and stories to tell. from the outside, you can tell that it is going to need some work. from the inside, you can tell that it is going to need even More work. but i still love those houses, and the potential i can see in in them to become a lovely home, even when they have been empty and neglected and are tired and old.

it's all about seeing the potential. then there is work to be done, for them to live up to their potential. it doesn't just happen. someone has to make an effort. i've got a rough analogy tumbling around in my head about me being empty and tired and old and God seeing enough potential in me to buy me anyway...

so after seeing the inside of this house (with danelis and nabin), all five of us (with kids in tow) went to walmart. that was an exercise in patience for me. i'm not used to shopping with other people. the few times i do it, i am usually with other grown-ups. we had one of those Big carts with an additional space for kids to ride and i was pushing. the kids, however, did not Want auntie cali to push. and they wanted a balloon. and a spiderman cake. and chicken nuggets (which they got, because it Was lunchtime). and then they wanted Out of the cart. and there was poking. and crying. and (very slow) i'm sorrys. and auntie cali was tired of listening.

and i wonder how often God gets tired of me with my "i wants" and my discontentedness with exactly where i am and wanting to "get out". and he is immensely patient with me. and i offer to him an "i'm sorry" and i know that i am forgiven.

we are all works in progress. and abba God loves us all enough to redeem us, and then Wants to be with us even when we are acting like little children.

his mercies are new every morning. great is his faithfulness...


mamadjay said...

I gotta say, i HATE those big carts. They cause more trouble than help. There are actually two kinds: one with two uselessly tiny seats that no child that tiny could possibly manage to safely stay on, the other with a bar that gets used as a swing/monkeybar/perch/teether and other things... wonder which one you had =/ I tell the girls that if they make it through the store with acceptable behavior, they can choose a treat to split at the register. They got a timeout the other day on the store (standing with hands on the cart, which they hate) and they lost their treat. Anyway, the house sounds nice. Houses that have already been Homes just have a welcoming feel to them, i think... hope to see you this weekend =)

Crystal said...

I'm giving you the Lemonade Award. Stop by my blog to pick it up. :-)


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